I still remember when Lorand contacted me telling about the idea of beach wedding proposal he had in mind for his very special lady. There were some moments to take into consideration for this shooting. And one of them was doing it as a secret proposal! Also, it was such an honor and pleasure to read that Damaris was following me for some time and was dreaming with a photoshoot with me (there is no doubt, anyone would be happy to read it). Lorand knew about it, so besides the proposal itself, the photography was also a big surprise for her.
When he wrote me back with an absolutely gorgeous plan, we marked the date and kept in touch for any changes. And yes, the challenge was choosing a date on february with a good weather. Hopefully, we were lucky enough on the day of this romantic beach wedding proposal. When I arrived Lorand’s parents were already there preparing all this setup you can see on the photo. While the couple was on the way! The parents left and I found a place to hide behind the rock 🙂 And what happend afterwards the images can tell you better than me.
Place: Cala Jovera with a view to Castell Tamarit | Scans&Development: CarmencitaFilmLab
Trip to Dubai
Years ago,  when the boom about Emirates was just starting, I admit that trip to Dubai was something ‘WOW’.  Then, it was the destinations