Castell de Emporda wedding photography – Anna and Russell

Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.

Castell de Emporda wedding photography

Anna and Russell came to Spain to celebrate their lovely wedding in Castell de Emporda, the old castle of XIV century and guardian of Spanish cultural heritage. It sounds incredible, right. The same I was thinking when I got an email from my colleagues from Courting Whale, who had an emergency and needed someone to take photos of Anna and Russell’s big day. It was a total surprise for me and I was a bit worried about it, because it was a double responsibility for me, not to fail both Anna and Russell when actually I didn’t know anything about the couple. But I am so happy I had a chance to be a part of their intimate wedding in Spain. You can’t imagine!

Now it is time to show you this charming story, I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Photgraphy: Lena Karelova Photography | Make up: Laia Martin | Venue: Castell d’Empordá | Wedding dress: Agapé Bridal Boutique | Flowers: Paukebana 

Wedding photographer Barcelona. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Wedding make up. Bride's details. Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Castell de Emporda, Girona. Destination wedding photographer - Lena Karelova, Barcelona photographerWedding photographer Barcelona. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Gourgeous engagement ring. Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bespoke wedding dress. Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Wedding photographer Barcelona. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bride's details. Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bride looking in the window. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Castell de Emporda wedding photography. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bride and her sister. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bride and bridesmaids have fun. Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bride maids in the castel. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Wedding bouquet and shoes. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Castell d'Emporda Girona. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bride and groom photosession. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bride and her dad. Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Wedding ceremony. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Happy bride. Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Castell de Emporda, Girona. Destination wedding photographer - Lena Karelova, Barcelona photographer
Destination Wedding photographer Barcelona. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Bride and groom photosession. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Castell d'Emporda Girona. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Wedding photographer Barcelona. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Wedding decarations. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Castell-de-EMporda-wedding-photography---Groom-and-best-menBride and groom photosession. Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Castell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.Castell-de-Emporda-Wedding-photography---destination-wedding-photographer-spainCastell de Emporda wedding photogaphy. Destination wedding photographer Spain.

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